Modern Defense Technology ›› 2024, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (3): 151-158.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-086x.2024.03.019


Research on Application of Unknown Fault Prediction Considering CapsNet Algorithm

Bowen CUI, Xiaochuang TAO, Yanbin YUAN   

  1. Beijing Institute of Electronic System Engineering,Beijing 100854,China
  • Received:2023-01-21 Revised:2023-03-23 Online:2024-06-28 Published:2024-07-08


崔博文, 陶小创, 原艳斌   

  1. 北京电子工程总体研究所,北京 100854
  • 作者简介:崔博文(1993-),女,山东济宁人。硕士生,研究方向为综合保障,故障预测与健康管理,智能保障决策等。


Aiming at the problem that the existing fault prediction model does not have the ability to identify unknown faults, it is necessary to re-collect data to train the model or learn and identify unknown faults with the help of other components, an unknown fault prediction method based on the CapsNet model is proposed. This method can effectively process the multi-dimensional state sensing signals of complex equipment, realize the accurate sensing of equipment faults, and adaptively adjust the model and predict unknown faults when unknown faults occur. The conversion matrix is constructed to predict the existence and posture of the corresponding high-level features from the features of the low-level capsules. The process by which the dynamic routing algorithm integrates the prediction vector generated by the low-level capsule into the high-level capsule that agrees with it and forms the feature vector is described in detail. In the process of implementing fault feature classification in the last layer of CapsNets, a threshold judgment method is proposed. By reasonably selecting the value range of the threshold, the capsule network model can perfectly distinguish between known and unknown faults and realize accurate fault prediction. The proposed method is used to verify the performance of a series of well-trained CapsNets models. Through experiments, it can be found that the proposed method can better realize unknown fault prediction, which can prove the feasibility of the method.

Key words: CapsNet algorithm, unknown fault, fault prediction, accurate perception, complex equipment



关键词: CapsNet算法, 未知故障, 故障预报, 精确感知, 复杂装备

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