现代防御技术 ›› 2023, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (4): 10-15.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-086x.2023.04.002

• 空天防御体系与武器 • 上一篇    下一篇


唐文倬, 蔡天骐, 庄长辉, 闵锐   

  1. 北京电子工程总体研究所,北京 100854
  • 收稿日期:2022-09-29 修回日期:2023-01-28 出版日期:2023-08-28 发布日期:2023-09-01
  • 作者简介:唐文倬(1982-),男,湖南浏阳人。高工,博士,研究方向为装备体系发展规划、总体设计、研发建设和运用研究等。

Equipment System of Systems(SoS)Engineering Method and Digitalization

Wenzhuo TANG, Tianqi CAI, Changhui ZHUANG, Rui MIN   

  1. Beijing Institute of Electronic System Engineering,Beijing 100854,China
  • Received:2022-09-29 Revised:2023-01-28 Online:2023-08-28 Published:2023-09-01



关键词: 体系, 体系工程, 体系建设, 体系设计, 体系工程数字化


Without a unified top-level design of the system of systems (SoS) construction, the elements of the SoS will fight against each other, and hence the SoS will inevitably face problems such as inconsistent indicators, mismatched functions, and irregular integration. In order to solve these problems, it is necessary to adopt SoS engineering method and carry out forward design. The types, characteristics and the construction requirements of the SoS in the military domain are analyzed. Aiming at realizing the combat ability, the model-based SoS engineering construction method is given, according to the four stages of “SoS design, SoS construction, SoS application, SoS evaluation”. Employing digital means to support SoS research and application is introduced. By using digitization, SoS engineering, processes and tools are integrated to create a new SoS engineering construction mode.

Key words: system of systems (SoS), SoS engineering, SoS construction, SoS design, SoS engineering digitalization
