Modern Defense Technology ›› 2023, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (6): 52-61.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-086x.2023.06.007

• MILITARY INTELLIGENCE • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Technology Research on Dynamic Ontology Construction for Military Field

Kanjing LI, Jianjun HU, Di WU, Dongxue LI, Yafeng YE   

  1. Beijing Institute of Computer Technology and Application,Beijing 100854,China
  • Received:2022-11-18 Revised:2023-03-20 Online:2023-12-28 Published:2023-12-29


李墈婧, 胡建军, 吴迪, 礼冬雪, 叶亚峰   

  1. 北京计算机技术及应用研究所,北京 100854
  • 作者简介:李墈婧(1992-),女,山西长治人。工程师,硕士生,研究方向为智能软件工程技术。


With the explosive growth of military data, the traditional static ontology based on expert knowledge has many disadvantages, such as strong subjective dependence on experts, poor portability, and poor learning ability on ontology. Which can no longer dynamically adapt to data changes and automatically update large-scale knowledge graphs. For military information applications, this paper proposes a dynamic ontology construction technique for the military field. The update of the ontology concept is completed through four parts: initial ontology design, data mapping, formal background merging, and ontology update. The technique can automatically update the ontology model with the change of information, facilitating the integration of multi-source heterogeneous data and the construction of knowledge graphs. Finally, taking the Russia-Ukraine conflict knowledge graph as a case study, the dynamic ontology technique can effectively discover new event types and related elements, realizing the ontology updated and fusion of multi-source heterogeneous data and the inference of military activity patterns based on the knowledge graph.

Key words: military field, dynamic ontology, knowledge graph, formal concept analysis, Russia-Ukraine conflict, reasoning



关键词: 军事领域, 动态本体, 知识图谱, 形式概念分析, 俄乌冲突, 演化推理

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