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    28 April 2024, Volume 52 Issue 2
    An Architecture Design Method for Intelligent Air and Space Defense Combat System of Systems
    Xiaobo LI, Mengyi WANG, Yongyi LIAO, Zhijie HUANG, Tao WANG, Weiping WANG
    2024, 52(2):  1-12.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-086x.2024.02.001
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    Driven by the increasing intelligence of potential threats and the continuous progress of current intelligent technology, the air and space defense combat system of systems (SoS) is not a linear superposition and mechanical stacking of equipment and technology but a comprehensive intelligent agent that organically integrates, dynamically adapts, and continuously evolves various combat elements. On the basis of analyzing the characteristics of intelligent air and space defense combat SoS, this paper innovated the intelligent design paradigm and concept, proposed a SoS architecture design method based on intelligent agent networks, and explored the key technologies of intelligent empowerment architecture design from three aspects: force nodes, force relationships, and adaptive mechanisms. This method provides an intelligent method reference for the top-level design of air and space defense forces, which helps to improve the intelligence and networking level of the construction and application of air and space defense combat SoS.

    Research on the Operation Influence of MALD on the Ground Air Defense Equipment
    Jing WU, Yaqiang ZHUANG, Peng NI, Haifeng CAI, Sen LI
    2024, 52(2):  13-21.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-086x.2024.02.002
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    Miniature air launched decoys (MALD) can trick ground air defense radar into turning on and consume air defense ammunition, significantly reducing the effectiveness of air defense operations and improving aircraft formation penetration capability. After summarizing the development of MALDs, this paper analyzes the target characteristics of MALD and constructs typical operational scenarios. The influence of MALD on the detection and tracking performance and the interception efficiency of guidance radar is analyzed. The influence of long-range deception and closed jamming on guidance radar by MALD are studied through theoretical analysis and dynamic simulation. The influences of several factors on aircraft formation penetration efficiency are investigated based on queuing theory. The research conclusion can provide a theoretical reference for MALD operation.

    Dynamics Research for a Vertical Soft Launched Missile with Four Rocket Pulse Engines
    Xiaofeng SUN, Yi LI, Yida GUO
    2024, 52(2):  22-32.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-086x.2024.02.003
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    There is a big difference between the turning control technology for four rocket pulse engines and other turning control technologies for vertical soft launched missiles. In view of this problem, the turning segment line motion equation, the attitude motion equation, and the turning information equation of the missile were established in this paper. The turning time sequence was designed, and a turning control strategy was designed by introducing the prediction model and the corresponding criterion. Based on the strategy, the parameter matching research was carried out. Finally, a large range of adjustment of the missile axis was realized by a simple device. A simulation example was given to verify the effectiveness of the proposed parameter matching relationship and the turning control strategy.

    Active Disturbance Rejection Control for Transpiration Cooling System of Hypersonic Vehicles
    Xin YI, Chunyan WANG, Wei DONG, Pengyu ZHANG, Xiaojian LI, Jianan WANG, Fang DENG
    2024, 52(2):  33-41.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-086x.2024.02.004
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    Aiming at the temperature control problem of the hypersonic vehicle transpiration cooling system, this paper proposes an active disturbance rejection controller (ADRC) to adjust the temperature of the porous medium on the vehicle wall based on the one-dimensional fixed boundary sweating cooling model, whose effectiveness and advantages are verified by a numerical simulation. The controller does not rely on the precise mathematical model of the temperature field of the porous medium. The heat flow disturbance is suppressed by extracting and compensating disturbance information from the input and output data of the system. The simulation results show that the ADRC designed for the transpiration cooling system can quickly track the reference temperature. Compared with the traditional PID control, the temperature response under ADRC has no overshoot. In addition, when external heat flow interference occurs, the ADRC has strong robustness and adaptability, which can provide a certain reference for the engineering application of transpiration cooling control systems.

    Study on Problems of Air⁃Defense Missile with Aimed Killing
    Zhida WANG, Lin XUE, Yangyang CHEN, Jianguo LI
    2024, 52(2):  42-52.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-086x.2024.02.005
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    Directional warhead technology is a new killing technology that uses target miss direction information to change the blasting direction through the change of missile body or the logic control of warhead initiation to achieve the maximum damage effect. It is also one of the key promising technologies for the future new generation of air-defense missiles to achieve capability leaping. The overall design problems of the aimed killing air-defense missile equipped with a directional warhead are studied. Firstly, a prediction method of miss information that compensates the missile acceleration for aimed killing air-defense missiles is proposed. The demand for acquiring miss information in advance is met. Secondly, the distributing regularity of the predicted impacting point and the formation mechanism of fuzzy prediction are studied, which provides theoretical support for solving the fuzzy problem. Thirdly, the aiming accuracy improvement methods for small miss distance encounter cases are studied. Finally, the simulations taking a certain type of aimed killing air-defense missile as examples are conducted.

    Multi-missile Interception Decision for High-speed Maneuvering Target Based on Footprint Prediction
    Haojian LI, Kebo LI, Yangang LIANG
    2024, 52(2):  53-62.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-086x.2024.02.006
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    In view of the problem of multi-missile interception of atmospheric high-speed maneuvering targets, this paper proposed a multi-missile interception decision method based on footprint prediction. Firstly, based on the maneuvering ability analysis and curve fitting method of the interceptor, the analytical model of its footprint was established, and the boundary of the footprint of the interceptor was generated with the given launch point and predicted interception point. Secondly, combined with the fast footprint prediction method of the offensive, the multi-missile interception decision-making method of the high-speed maneuvering target was transformed into the optimization problem of the coverage of the offensive and defensive footprint, and the optimization algorithm was designed to solve the multi-missile interception strategy, which used the least interceptors to cover the maximum range of the footprint of the offensive. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method was verified by numerical simulation.

    Policy Transfer Reinforcement Learning Method for Partially Observable Conditions
    Zhongyu WANG, Xiaopeng XU, Dong WANG
    2024, 52(2):  63-71.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-086x.2024.02.007
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    Multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithms fail to form effective collaborative policy under partially observable conditions. In view of this problem, a policy transfer reinforcement learning method based on centralized training and decentralized execution (CTDE) paradigm was proposed. Firstly, under global observation, the teacher module was trained to explore good collaborative policy. Then, under partially observable conditions, the student module was trained online with the expectation of maximizing cumulative returns as the objective function, and at the same time, policy distillation techniques were used to transfer policy from the teacher module and adaptively adjust the proportion of teacher policy affecting student policy. Finally, the proposed method was verified by simulation in multiple map scenarios. The experimental results show that under partially observable conditions, the success rate of student modules is higher than that of the baseline algorithms. The research results can be applied to multi-agent collaborative tasks, improving the collaborative performance of agents in decentralized execution.

    Research on the Discretization of Notch Filter in Missile Stability Control
    Rixin SU, Ou ZHANG
    2024, 52(2):  72-78.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-086x.2024.02.008
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    The notch filter is usually used to suppress the elastic vibration frequency of the missile body when the missile stability control is designed, so as to ensure the elastic stability of the missile body in the control system. The basic principle of the notch filter was introduced, and an improved pre-distortion bilinear transformation approach was proposed to address the frequency distortion problem caused by the discretization design of the notch filter. Compensation for the frequency distortion was achieved by adjusting the damping magnitude without changing the damping ratio of the notch filter. Compared with the traditional discretization method, the proposed method not only compensates for distortion frequency but also ensures that the notch width and phase characteristics are the same as those in the continuous domain, and the proposed method has the advantages of simple operation and strong adaptability.

    H State Feedback Controller Design for Flexible Spacecraft
    Xinhua ZHAO, Kang WANG, Changsheng GAO
    2024, 52(2):  79-86.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-086x.2024.02.009
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    When flexible spacecraft operates, disturbances such as the swaying of liquid fuel and gravity gradients cause the spacecraft system to exhibit strong nonlinearity and coupling characteristics. Thus, controlling its attitude deflection has always been a challenging problem. To solve this issue, this paper designs a H state feedback controller. The integrated disturbance term in the dynamic model of the flexible spacecraft is redefined, and combined with the kinematic model, the mathematical expression of the flexible spacecraft is formulated. The mathematical model of the flexible spacecraft is transformed into an H state feedback control mathematical model. The theoretical applicability of the controller is demonstrated by mathematical theory. The mathematical model of the flexible spacecraft under H state feedback control is simulated by simulation software. The results show that the designed H state feedback controller can effectively achieve attitude stabilization and vibration suppression of flexible spacecraft, showing practical value.

    Trajectory Tracking Control of Quadrotor UAV Based on Disturbance Compensation
    Wenru FAN, Quanwei LIU, Bailing TIAN
    2024, 52(2):  87-93.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-086x.2024.02.010
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    A control strategy based on disturbance compensation is devised to address the issue of stabilizing trajectory tracking for quadcopter unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) with unknown external disturbances. Firstly, this paper designs a PID position controller for the quadcopter UAV’s position loop and compensates for external disturbances using a disturbance observer. Secondly, the desired attitude is obtained through attitude computation, and an incremental nonlinear dynamic inversion(INDI) attitude controller with strong robust performance is designed for the quadcopter UAV’s attitude loop. Finally, simulation and comparative experiments are conducted by Simulink. Experimental results indicate that this control strategy can achieve trajectory tracking capability for quadcopter UAVs under conditions of unknown external disturbances.

    Active Defense Line-of-Sight Guidance Law with Compensation of Unknown Disturbance for the Cooperation of Aircraft and Interceptor
    Jie WANG, Junhui LIU, Hao CHEN, Qi ZHAO, Wei LIU
    2024, 52(2):  94-103.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-086x.2024.02.011
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    With the development of unmanned military technology, unmanned short-range air combat has attracted much attention from military powers in the world. Faced with the threat of high-speed and high-maneuverability attacker missiles, traditional passive defense measures such as throwing chaffs or releasing hot flame bombs fail to ensure the safe escape of target aircraft. It is a feasible method to implement active defense by launching defender missiles to coordinate the maneuvering of target aircraft. However, due to the strong maneuverability of the attacker missile and unknown acceleration information, it is difficult to design the guidance law of cooperative target aircraft-missile. An active defense line-of-sight (LOS) guidance law based on disturbance compensation was proposed in this paper. A nonlinear disturbance observer was designed to estimate the influence of the maneuverability from the attacker missile, which was compensated for in the design of active defense LOS guidance law for the cooperation of aircraft and missile. The results of the simulation indicate that the method used in this paper can effectively defend the attacker missile with unknown maneuverability. The study in this paper thus provides a reference for the three-body attack and defense problem.

    Distributed Cooperative Guidance Method for Maneuvering Targets Under Directed Switching Topologies
    Xiaofei DONG, Mingrui HAO, Zhang REN
    2024, 52(2):  104-114.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-086x.2024.02.012
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    To address the cooperative guidance problem for multi-aircraft attacking maneuvering targets, this paper initially builds a relative model in the line-of-sight frame. Subsequently, the paper decomposes the cooperative guidance issue into two sub-issues: line-of-sight angle cooperation and impact time cooperation. Distributed cooperative guidance laws are developed based on extended state observers, strategically designed in both the line-of-sight and its normal direction. Consensus analysis is conducted to demonstrate the convergence of the proposed guidance laws under directed switching topologies. Numerical simulations are then employed to further substantiate the effectiveness of the guidance laws.

    Improved Drag Acceleration Profile Design for Hypersonic Vehicles
    Zhehao WANG, Tian LI, Haidong YAN, Yudong HU, Changsheng GAO
    2024, 52(2):  115-123.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-086x.2024.02.013
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    To address the drag acceleration profile design challenge during the gliding trajectory guidance of hypersonic vehicles, this paper proposes an improved method for designing the drag acceleration profile. To enhance the gliding range of the aircraft and improve flight state parameters, the paper designs a novel drag acceleration profile in the form of a quadratic function with the reciprocal of energy as the independent variable. The profile shape is adjusted by changing the drag acceleration values at the midpoint, satisfying various constraints of hypersonic flight. Simulation results indicate that, in comparison to the traditional quadratic drag acceleration profile, the proposed profile significantly increases the maximum gliding distance and improves flight state parameters, enabling the aircraft to complete flying missions around no-fly zones.

    Finite-time Attitude Consensus Control of Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Under State Constraints
    Linan WANG, Guanghui WEN, Xiaojian YI
    2024, 52(2):  124-131.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-086x.2024.02.014
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    Due to factors such as the limited capabilities of the actuators, one needs to generally consider the effect of constraints on both attitude and angular velocity when addressing the attitude consensus control problem of multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). However, the constraints on both attitude and angular velocity pose a challenge to the design of effective attitude consensus controllers for multiple UAVs. To address such an issue, this paper introduces a finite-time attitude consensus controller for multiple UAVs under state constraints including the constraints on both attitude and angular velocity. Specifically, by using tools from nonsmooth analysis and algebraic graph theory, the paper develops a class of finite-time attitude consensus control strategies. In addition, combined with the barrier Lyapunov function (BLF) technique, it constructs a novel attitude consensus tracking controller. Theoretical analysis demonstrates that, under attitude and angular velocity constraints, the proposed controller enables the attitude of all UAVs to track the desired attitude within a finite time. Notably, the proposed method offers advantages such as simplicity of structure, adaptability to user-defined constraints, and fast convergence. Simulation results indicate that the proposed controller achieves finite-time consensus tracking of the desired attitude under constraints on attitude and angular velocity.

    Trajectory Tracking of Hypersonic Vehicles Based on Moving Horizon Estimation
    Hongyan ZANG, Kai WANG, Changsheng GAO, Wuxing JING, Yuexin WANG
    2024, 52(2):  132-144.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-086x.2024.02.015
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    In order to achieve high-precision trajectory tracking of hypersonic vehicles, a trajectory tracking algorithm for highly maneuverable targets combining moving horizon estimation and an interactive multi-model (IMM) algorithm was proposed. Firstly, the motion model and measurement model of the glide segment of the hypersonic vehicle under the half-velocity system were given. Then, the moving horizon estimation method was used to transform the state estimation problem into a constrained optimization problem, and the physical constraints of the glide segment of the flight vehicle were fully considered. On this basis, in order to cope with the different maneuver modes of the target, a model set was established to approximate it with the help of the IMM algorithm. Finally, the algorithm was verified under unchanged and mutated maneuver modes. The results show that the new algorithm adopts parallel estimation of multiple models, and the model probability is adjusted in real time for fusion output, which can effectively avoid the mismatch of the target tracking model and significantly improve the trajectory tracking accuracy of highly maneuverable targets such as hypersonic vehicles.

    Mechanism of Variable Polarization Jamming on Radar Side⁃lobe Cancellation
    Xiaoyang WANG
    2024, 52(2):  145-150.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-086x.2024.02.016
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    As radar interference technology develops toward full polarization, it is crucial to clarify the mechanism of polarization jamming for the development of polarization jamming technology. This paper optimizes the multi-channel receiving and processing model of radar side-lobe cancellation by introducing a polarization matching coefficient. It also deduces the mathematical model of radar side-lobe interference cancellation ratio under variable polarization jamming conditions. In addition, partial mathematical simulation verification and actual test results are provided. The research contents can provide a theoretical reference for quantitatively analyzing the jamming mechanism of variable polarization interference on radar side-lobe cancellation.

    Design and Implementation of Radar Intelligent Recognition Simulation System for Aerospace Targets
    Xiaofeng AI, Jing WU, Jingke ZHANG, Yiqi ZHU, Zhiming XU, Qihua WU
    2024, 52(2):  151-162.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-086x.2024.02.017
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    Training, testing, and evaluating radar intelligent recognition (RIR) methods usually require the construction of large datasets. Acquiring effective datasets efficiently is an urgent issue to be solved. The application scenarios of the RIR system for aerospace targets were analyzed first, and the construction idea of the RIR simulation system (RIRSS) for aerospace targets was given according to application demands. Then, the modular and component-based design methods were utilized to design the RIRSS framework for aerospace targets, and an intelligent recognition simulation system for aerospace targets was constructed, which could simulate the electromagnetic characteristics and dynamic echo of aerospace targets quickly and efficiently, with a scalable and reconfigurable capability. Simulation results and preliminary application show that this system can be used in the test and evaluation of the RIR method for aerospace targets in various scenarios.

    Design and Realization of an Dynamic Electromagnetic Scattering Data Simulation System for Air Target
    Cheng SHANG, Zhiming XU, Yang ZHANG, Kaiyu ZHANG, Qihua WU, Yiqi ZHU, Xiaofeng AI
    2024, 52(2):  163-171.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-086x.2024.02.018
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    Electromagnetic scattering data is essential for the recognition of targets. However, due to issues such as high cost and poor repeatability of experimental measurements, the quantity of measured electromagnetic scattering data of targets is very limited. A dynamic electromagnetic scattering data simulation method for air targets was studied based on the N-point model with hidden points removed and electromagnetic calculation data interpolation. Additionally, a dynamic electromagnetic scattering data simulation system for air targets was designed. This system integrated electromagnetic scattering simulation with actual flight scenes and supported scene definition and expansion of 3D models for air targets. Simulation data and imaging results of aircraft and cruise missiles were analyzed. The results show that the simulation method is correct, and the system is effective. The system can support the research on the recognition of air targets in actual scenes.