Modern Defense Technology ›› 2021, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (3): 38-46.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-086x.2021.03.005

• AIR SPACE DEFENSE SYSTEM AND WEAPON • Previous Articles     Next Articles

A Brief Analysis of U.S. Critical Infrastructure Electromagnetic Pulse Defense Policies

FENG Han-liang, XIA Liang-bin, WANG Juan, CUI Gang-qiang, ZHAO Rui, LIU Yan-sheng   

  1. Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology,Shaannxi Xi'an 710024,China
  • Received:2020-10-27 Revised:2020-12-03 Online:2021-06-20 Published:2021-07-12


冯寒亮, 夏良斌, 王娟, 崔刚强, 赵芮, 刘彦升   

  1. 西北核技术研究所,陕西 西安 710024
  • 通讯作者: 710024 西安灞桥区平峪路28号
  • 作者简介:冯寒亮(1982-),男,陕西宝鸡人。助理研究员,硕士,主要从事电磁脉冲效应研究。

Abstract: At present,military equipment,systems and civil infrastructure are facing increasingly serious electromagnetic pulse (EMP) threat.The United States has been strengthening the assessment and defense of EMP threat.To fully un-derstand and analyze the current situation,problems and policies of EMP defense in the United States,the series of assessment reports issued by EMP Commission,the president executive order and important documents issued by the United States government such as “National Defense Authorization Act” are researched.The EMP threat environ-ment,scenes and responsive strategies in the United States,and the roles,responsibilities and tasks of relevant de-partments and heads of the federal government are analyzed.It is noted that the U.S. currently aims to ensure U.S. security by establishing strong national executive leadership,organizing and coordinating government and private sector relationships,and promoting technology information sharing to strengthen U.S. critical infrastructure and improve U.S. resilience to EMP threats.

Key words: the United States, electromagnetic pulse, defense, policy, critical infrastructure

摘要: 当前,军用装备、系统以及民用基础设施等面临的电磁脉冲威胁日趋严重,美国一直在加强电磁脉冲威胁评估与防御。为了全面了解和分析当前美国电磁脉冲防御的态势、面临问题以及采取的政策,重点研究了美国电磁脉冲委员会发布的系列评估报告、美国政府颁布的总统行政命令、《国防授权法案》等重要文件资料,分析了当前美国面临的电磁脉冲威胁环境、场景及应对策略,美国联邦政府相关部门及负责人在电磁脉冲防御工作中的角色、责任与任务,指出美国当前旨在通过建立健全强有力的国家级行政领导,组织协调政府及私营部门关系,推动技术信息共享,来加固美国的关键基础设施,提高美国对电磁脉冲威胁的应变能力,进而确保美国的安全。

关键词: 美国, 电磁脉冲, 防御, 政策, 关键基础设施

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